
admin 2019-8-7 618

‎Darts iOS版下載


‎Darts 介紹

Play darts on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad!

Watch the trailer at: http://bit.ly/dartsios

This is THE darts game for iOS, played by over 15 million people since 2008!

✓ Play Cricket, X01 (301, 501, etc.), or just practice

✓ Challenge a computer A.I. opponent at different skill levels (newbie, amateur, master)

✓ Simple swipe gesture to throw a dart; yet difficult to master

✓ Physics based simulation of dart throws

✓ Beautiful, hand-crafted 3-D graphics

✓ Support for iPhone 4 Retina Display

✓ Sound effects (while you listen to your own music in the background)

✓ In-game help on aiming, throwing, and the rules of each game

✓ Auto-resume suspended games from phone calls, etc.


✓ No more advertisements!

✓ Head to head multiplayer over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi! *

✓ Place a photo of your nemesis on the dartboard and take aim! Share the photo on Facebook when you are done!

✓ A new game: "Around the Clock"!

✓ A number of dart "skins" including country flags!

* For best results in multiplayer, turn Wi-Fi on and turn Bluetooth off. If you want to use Bluetooth, turn Wi-Fi off. Note that connection establishment using Bluetooth can take a long time.


The old throwing methods are still in Darts 2.x! Just tap the board for "aim and flick"! Tap "Settings" in the main menu to switch to the more "advanced" throwing method.

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