文本編輯器 EmEditor v18.0.9

admin 2024-3-1 286

EmEditor 文本編輯器是一款功能強大且非常好用的文本編輯器!它啟動速度快,可以完全代替Windows自帶的記事本,足以勝任日常的文本編輯工作。良好地支持Unicode和中文字符,還支持20多種編程語言的語法突出顯示。并且支持的語法種類可以不斷的擴充。具有選擇文本列塊的功能(按ALT 鍵拖動鼠標)。此專業版,增強了程序的編輯功能,使其更適合編程人員對個別程序代碼進行編輯修改。允許無限撤消、重做。支持多種編程語言的高亮顯示(可作為簡易的 IDE 使用)。

EmEditor Professional – professional version of the powerful text editor for programmers, Web developers and ordinary users with the illumination of syntax and Unicode support. Editor features such as search and replace in files using regular expressions, auto-detection coding, highlighting the links and email addresses, block selection mode, configure the button bar, menu, font and color elements. For each language, you can create a separate configuration. The program also has the support of powerful macros written in javascript or VBScript, allowing you to capture virtually any action, used often or occasionally.

This editor is an ideal tool for editing HTML, PHP, JSP and XML files. When you specify a web browser as an external application, you will be able to view HTML files during editing.
Supports syntax highlighting ASP, C #, C, CSS, HTML, Java, javascript, JSP, Pascal (Delphi), Perl, Python, PHP, SQL, VBScript and other programming languages, function Drag & Drop, opening files size up to 248 GB the possibility of connecting additional external applications and plug-ins. In addition, the program allows to work with macros written in javascript or VBScript, and based target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://www.emeditor.com/


文本編輯器 EmEditor v18.0.4


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