文案編輯 Adobe InCopy 2023 v18.2.1.455 x64 for Windows 2022 17.4 U2B macOS

admin 2024-3-1 285

InCopy CC。與文案人員和編輯合作。

InCopy 具備哪些功能?

利用 InCopy,文案人員和編輯可以設計文本樣式、跟蹤更改和對文檔進行簡單的版面修改,而設計人員可以同時在 Adobe InDesign CC 中處理同一文檔 – 而不會覆蓋對方的文稿。

InCopy CC 功能


現在,您可以通過 InCopy 瀏覽數百家鑄字行提供的成千上萬種字體,然后可以快速激活它們,并在您的文檔中加以使用。“字體”面板包含各種新增選項,可以在您使用字體時為您提供豐富的體驗。您可以應用過濾器,以專門查看最近添加的字體。您還可以從預定義文本列表中選擇樣本文本,以進行字體預覽;或者您也可以選擇自己的文本。此外,您現在還可以選擇在預覽字體時更改字體的大小。

OpenType SVG 字體支持

憑借 InCopy 對 OpenType SVG 字體的支持,如今,您可以在單個字形中體現多種顏色和漸變。

通過使用 OpenType SVG emoji 字體,您可以在文檔中運用彩色、圖形化的字符,例如,表情符號、旗幟、路標、動物、人物、食物和地標等。您還可以創建復合字形。例如,使用 EmojiOne 字體時,您可以創建國家/地區的旗幟,或在字形中實現膚色多樣化。




現在,您可以在 InCopy 的表格中插入腳注。腳注文本顯示在文本框架的底部。


導入 Word 文檔時,以及在導出為支持腳注的格式(例如,PDF、EPUB 和 HTML)時,都會保留表格腳注。



現在,您可以在 InCopy 中將尾注轉換為腳注,以及將腳注轉換為尾注。



InCopy CC. Collaborate with copywriters and editors.

What can you do with InCopy?

InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work>Visual font browsing

You can now browse thousands of fonts from hundreds of type foundries from within InCopy, activate them instantly, and use them in your documents. The Fonts panel includes various new options to provide you an enriched experience while working with fonts. You can apply a filter to view>OpenType SVG fonts support

With the support for OpenType SVG fonts in InCopy, you can now provide multiple colors and gradients in a single glyph.

Using OpenType SVG emoji fonts, you can include various colorful and graphical characters, such as smileys, flags, street signs, animals, people, food, and landmarks in your documents. You can also create composite glyphs. For example, using the EmojiOne font, you can create the flags of countries or achieve skin tone diversity in your glyphs.

Combine glyphs to form the flags of countries

Combine single-person characters with diverse skin tones

Add footnotes in tables

You can now insert footnotes in a table in InCopy. The footnote text appears at the bottom of the text frame.

The reference number of a footnote in a table will be in continuation with the reference number of footnotes in that story.

Table footnotes are retained while importing Word documents and are exported to formats that support footnotes, such as PDF, EPUB, and HTML.

Space between paragraphs of same style

You now have the ability to choose whether the spacing before or after affects the text of the same style. The Space Between Paragraphs Using Same Style option in the Styles dialog lets you specify a value for space between paragraphs having the same style. This value is used>Remember previous export format

Now, every document will remember its last export format. If the document is shared with another user or accessed from another machine, it will still retain the format in which that document was last exported.

Home Page: https://www.adobe.com/products/incopy.html


文案編輯 Adobe InCopy 2023 v18.2.1.455 x64 for Windows

文案編輯 Adobe InCopy 2022 17.4 U2B macOS

軟件歷史版本下載 展開查看 文案編輯 Adobe InCopy 2022 v17.4.0.51 Win64

文案編輯 Adobe InCopy CC 2019 for Windows

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