Markdown 編輯器 MarkdownPad 2 Pro v2.5.0.27920

admin 2024-3-1 291

MarkdownPad 是 Windows 平臺下一款優秀的 Markdown 編輯器,

Markdown 是一種輕量級標記語言,有著及其簡單、易學易用的語法,任何人在幾分鐘之內都可以掌握其基本語法并用來寫作,你可以在 這里 學習markdown的基本語法。其創始人 John Gruber 下面的話高度概括了 Markdown 是什么、優點以及適合哪些人使用:

Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

相比 Word 等富文本編輯器,你會花很大精力去排版上,還有它所寫的內容移植性、兼容性也很差,Markdown 這種純文本的標記語言,就不存在這種問題。

MarkdownPad 2 Pro2.5.0.27920

MarkdownPad – full-featured editor for web-developers and web-writers to convert text to HTML. Allows typing text format, and then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML). You can edit and customize the code syntax using different options toolbar. Represented as double the area: the right pane displays a preview of the document in HTML while changes in the left pane.

Features MarkdownPad:
LivePreview. Instantly when creating shows how the document will look in HTML.
Easy formatting with hotkeys.
Fully customizable: color schemes, font and size. You can also change the CSS stylesheet provided HTML directly within the application.
Export HTML – Copy part of the user’s documents as HTML or quickly creates ready-to-use HTML-documents.
Without distraction Mode – Eliminates distractions, allowing the user to focus and get their work done href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-original-title="">


Markdown 編輯器 MarkdownPad 2 Pro v2.5.0.27920
Crack By luochenzhimu



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